hysop.tools.io_utils module

Tools related to i/o in HySoP.

class hysop.tools.io_utils.IO[source]

Bases: object

Static class with utilities to set/find the place where i/o files will be read/written.

ASCII = 997

ascii format id

HDF5 = 998

HDF5 format id

static cache_path()[source]
static check_dir(filepath, io_rank=0, comm=None)[source]

Check if the directory of ‘filename’ exists and creates it if not.

  • filepath (string) – directory path with full or relative path

  • io_rank (int) – processus rank that does the check.

  • comm (mpi communicator) – the mpi communicator that does the check.

classmethod default_cache_path()[source]
classmethod default_path()[source]

Get the current default path used for io.


the default value of the current i/o path.

Return type:


classmethod default_ram_path()[source]

Get the current default path used for io in memory.


the default value of the current RAM i/o path.

Return type:


static get_datasetnames(filename)[source]

Return the list of dataset names present in hdf input file


filename (string) – hdf file

Return type:

a list of strings

static get_fs_type(path)[source]
classmethod get_tmp_dir(key)[source]

Create or get an existing temporary directory.

classmethod is_shared_fs(path)[source]
classmethod ram_path()[source]
classmethod set_cache_path(path)[source]
static set_datasetname(field_name, topo, direction=None)[source]

Return the dataset name of a given continuous field, saved for a given topology

static set_default_path(pathdir)[source]

Set a new default path for hysop i/o.


pathdir (string) – the new path

class hysop.tools.io_utils.IOParams(filename, filepath=None, frequency=1, fileformat=None, dump_times=None, dump_tstart=None, dump_tend=None, dump_func=None, io_leader=0, visu_leader=0, with_last=False, enable_ram_fs=False, force_ram_fs=False, dump_is_temporary=False, postprocess_dump=None, hdf5_disable_compression=False, hdf5_disable_slicing=False, append=False, **kwds)[source]

Bases: IOParams

A struct to handle I/O files parameters

  • filename (string) – Name of the file (absolute or relative path)

  • filepath (string) – Location of the file

  • frequency (int) – Frequency of output or input (e.g. every N times steps)

  • fileformat (int) – Format of the file. See notes for available format. Default=HDF5.

  • dump_times (tuple of floats) – Extra dump times that should be used to dump in addition to frequency (double precision)

  • dump_tstart (float) – Start to dump at given time. Defaults to -np.inf (no time constraints).

  • dump_tend (float) – Stop to dump at given time. Defaults to +np.inf (no time constraints).

  • dump_func (function) – Generic function to compute the should_dump result.

  • with_last (boolean) – should dump when iteration is last one

  • io_leader (int) – Rank of the mpi process dealing with the io. Default is 0.

  • visu_leader (int) – Rank of the mpi process dealing with the graphical io. Default is 0.

  • enable_ram_fs (bool) – Instruct the dumper to write directly to RAM, fallback to filepath/filename when this is not possible.

  • force_ram_fs (bool) – Force the dumper to write directly to RAM, and raise an error when this is not possible (filepath/filename are ignored). Implies enable_ram_fs.

  • dump_is_temporary (bool) – Instruct the dumper to delete dumped data from disk or RAM after postprocessing script has been called. Implies that a postprocessing script is supplied.

  • postprocess_dump (str) – Path to a postprocessing script that will be called after dump. See hysop/tools/postprocess_dump.sh for an example of post processing script.

  • hdf5_disable_compression (bool) – Disable compression for HDF5 outputs (when available). Can be used to accelerate in RAM postprocessing.

  • hdf5_disable_slicing (bool) – Disable slicing for HDF5 outputs (when available). May reduce performance but avoid hdf5 file fragmentation.

  • append (bool, optional) – Tell if appended (on xmf files, when using hdf format)

  • kwds (dict) – Custom extra keyword arguments to pass to operators

  • hysop.operator.hdf_io (See examples in)


Format parameter must be one of the following :

Create new instance of IOParams(filename, filepath, frequency, fileformat, dump_times_fp32, dump_times_fp64, dump_tstart, dump_tend, dump_func, io_leader, visu_leader, with_last, enable_ram_fs, force_ram_fs, dump_is_temporary, postprocess_dump, append, hdf5_disable_compression, hdf5_disable_slicing, disk_filepath, kwds)

property dump_times
class hysop.tools.io_utils.Writer(io_params, buffshape=None, mpi_params=None, safe_io=True)[source]

Bases: object

To write data from a 2D numpy array into an ascii file.


>>> from hysop.tools.io_utils import IOParams, IO, Writer
>>> params = IOParams(filename='r.dat', fileformat=IO.ASCII)
>>> wr = Writer(params, buffshape=(1, 2))
>>> ite = 3 # current iteration number
>>> if wr.do_write(ite):
...    wr.buffer[...] = 3.
...    wr.write()
>>> wr.finalize()

result : buffer is written into r.dat

  • io_params (hysop.tools.io_utils.IOParams) – Setup for file ouput (name, location …)

  • buffshape (tuple) – 2D numpy.array.shape like tuple, shape of the output/input buffer.

  • mpi_params (hysop.tools.parameters.MPIParams) – Mpi setup (comm that owns the writer)

  • safe_io (boolean) – True –> open/close file everytime data are written. False –> open at init and close during finalize. Cost less but if simu crashes, data are lost.


buffer used to save printed data


Returns true if output is required for iteration ite


ite (int) – current iteration number


close, if required

class hysop.tools.io_utils.XMF[source]

Bases: object

Static class - Tools to prepare and write xmf file

static prepare_grid_attributes(dataset_names, resolution, origin, step, joinrkfiles=None)[source]

Prepare XDMF header as a string.

  • dataset_names (list) – all datasets names

  • resolution (3d tuple)

  • origin (3d tuple)

  • step (3d tuple)

  • joinrkfiles ((optional))

  • Returns

  • --------

  • string

    the xml-like header formattable with the following keywords:

    niteration : iteration number time: time in seconds filename: target file name, in sequential or with parallel hdf5 support filename0, … filenameN : target file names for each rank 0 to N, in parallel without HDF5 parallel support resolution0, … resolutionN : local resolutions for each rank 0 to N, in parallel without HDF5 parallel support